Nicoletta Image

Dr. Nicoletta Fornara, PhD

Università della Svizzera Italiana USI (University of Lugano), Faculty of Communication Sciences
Via Giuseppe Buffi, 13, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland, room 216
Tel +41 (0)58 666 45 13
nicoletta.fornara AT usi DOT ch




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Files described in the paper:

Nicoletta Fornara, Marco Colombetti, and Daniel Okouya.
A Framework of Open Interactions based on Web Services and Semantic Web Technologies
. Accepted at EUMAS2011.

- The RDF Schema of the application independent language ocean-rdf0.rdfs;
- The RDF Schema of the application dependent language app-rdf0.rdfs;
- The WSDL contract AclOverSoapHttpMP.wsdl;
- The abstract syntax of the messages proposed in this paper that is specified using an XML Schema aclmessage.xsd;
- The OWL ontology used to represent the state of the interaction and the semantics of messages ACL-Ontology.owl.
- The OCeAN RDF Codec.