lnternational Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), Verona, Italy, September 2018 (forthcoming)
MICCAI Workshop on Graphs in Biomedical Image Analysis (GRAIL), Granada, Spain, 20 September 2018 (forthcoming)
MICCAI Workshop on Shape in Medical Imaging (ShapeMI), Granada, Spain, 20 September 2018 (forthcoming)
lnternational Workshop on Differential
Geometry in Computer Vision and Machine
Learning (DiffCVML), Salt Lake City, USA, 18 June 2018 (forthcoming)
3rd Graph Signal Processing Workshop (GSP), Lausanne, Switzerland, 7 June 2018.
"Spectral non-rigid partial correspondence", Joint CVPR 2017 Workshop on Bridges to 3D Vision and Non-Rigid Structure from Motion, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 26 July 2017
"Start thinking in 3D!", International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, Lugano, Switzerland, 7 June 2017
"Intrinsic convolutional neural networks on graphs and manifolds", NIPS Workshop on 3D Deep Learning, Barcelona, Spain, 9 December 2016
"Intrinsic deep learning on manifolds and graphs", ECCV Workshop Geometry Meets Deep Learning, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 9 October 2016
"Geometric deep learning", ACM Distinguished Lecture, TU Munich, 1 August 2016
"Geometric deep learning", International Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, Mallorca, Spain, 14 July 2016
"Start thinking in 3D",
Inaugural lecture, USI, Lugano, Switzerland, 25 February 2016
- "How to build an intelligent machine?", World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of New Champions, Dalian, China, September 2015
- "Multimodal spectral geometry, joint diagonalization, and closest commuting matrices", Geometry Workshop, Strobl, Austria, August 2013
- "Metric models in shape analysis",
MICCAI Workshop on Mesh Processing in Medical Image Analysis (MeshMed), Toronto, Canada, 18 September 2011
- "Diffusion descriptors for non-rigid shapes", Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR), Llandudno, UK, 10 April 2011
- "Non-rigid, non-rigid, non-rigid world", ELMAR Symposium, Zadar, Croatia, 15 September 2010
- "Metric geometry: an old new tool in image sciences", Forward looking panel discussion, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Chicago, USA, 13 April 2010
- "New dimensions of media", International Conference on
Management of Multimedia and Mobile Networks and Services
, San Jose (CA), USA, 1 November 2007