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Michael Bronstein received his PhD (with distinction) in Computer Science from the Technion in 2007. Since 2010, he is associate professor of Informatics at the University of Lugano (USI), Switzerland, where he leads a research group on geometric and visual computing. Since 2012, he also serves as research scientist and principal engineer for Perceptual Computing at Intel. Since 2016, he is appointed as associate professor of Applied Mathematics at Tel Aviv University in Israel. He also held visiting appointments at Politecnico di Milano (2008), Stanford university (2008-2009), INRIA (2009), Technion (2013, 2014), University of Verona (2010, 2014), Harvard university (2017-2018), MIT (2017-2018), and Tel Aviv University (2015-). His main research interests are theoretical and computational methods in spectral and metric geometry and their application to problems in computer vision, pattern recognition, shape analysis, computer graphics, image processing, and machine learning. Most recently, he is interested in deep learning on non-Euclidean structured data such as graphs and manifolds.

Michael Bronstein has authored over 100 publications in leading journals and conferences, over 30 granted patents, the research monograph Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes (Springer, 2008) and edited four books. His Erdős number is 3 and the h-index is 50. Highlights of his research were featured in CNN, SIAM News, Wired, and in the Abel lecture given in Oslo in honor of the 2009 Abel Prize laureate Prof. Mikhail Gromov. Michael Bronstein is the alumnus of the Technion Excellence Program and the Academy of Achievement. He is a Fellow of IAPR, Senior Member of IEEE, member of SIAM and EUROGRAPHICS, and ACM Distinguished Speaker. His research was recognized by numerous awards, including the Kasher prize (2002), Thomas Schwartz award (2002), Hershel Rich Technion Innovation award and the Gensler prize for research on face recognition (2003), the Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods Best Paper award (2005), the Adams Fellowship (2005), EUROGRAPHICS Service Award (2012), and SGP Best Paper Award (2016). He is the recipient of four European Research Council (ERC) grants (Starting Grant 2012, Consolidator Grant 2016, Proof of Concept Grants 2016, 2018), two Google Faculty Research awards (2015, 2017), Amazon Machine Learning Research award (2018), Radcliffe fellowship (2017) from the Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, and Rudolf Diesel industrial fellowship (2017) from TU Munich. In 2014, he was selected as a Young Scientist by the World Economic Forum (WEF), an honor bestowed on forty world's leading scientists under the age of forty. He was a guest speaker at the WEF New Champions Meeting in Dalian, China in 2015. In 2015, Prof. Bronstein was elected as member of the Global Young Academy and the Young Academy of Europe. Besides scientific awards, he received the Technion Humanities and Arts Department prize (2001) for the translation of Shakespearean sonnets into Italian.

Michael Bronstein was a founder and chair of the Workshop on Non-rigid shapes and deformable image alignment (NORDIA) in 2008-2012, the International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM) in 2011, the Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR) in 2012, and the International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV) in 2013. He is an Associate Editor of IJCV, SIAM Imaging Sciences, CVIU, and IVCJ. He was an Area chair at ECCV 2016 and ICCV 2017 and served on review and program committees of major conferences in his field.

Besides academic work, Michael Bronstein is actively involved in industrial applications, technology transfer and commercialization, and consulting to technological companies in the computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition domain, both in technical and management positions. He co-founded and served as Vice President of technology in the Silicon Valley start-up company Novafora (2004-2009), responsible for the development of algorithms for large-scale video analysis that were licensed to Turner Broadcast Systems. He was a co-founder and one of the main inventors and developers of the 3D sensing technology in the Israeli startup Invision, subsequently acquired by Intel in 2012. Michael's technology is now the core of the Intel RealSense 3D camera integrated into new generation computers. He is co-founder and technical advisor at Videocites and co-founder and Chief Scientist at Fabula AI.