Nicoletta Image

Nicoletta Fornara, PhD

Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society
Via Giuseppe Buffi, 13, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland, Main Building, Office 414 (Level 4)
Tel +41 (0)58 666 45 13, nicoletta.fornara AT usi DOT ch
ORCID: 0000-0003-1692-880X, Google Scholar profile




Courses and Project at USI

The T-Norm model of Norms

The T-Norm model Norms can be used to specify norms for regulating classes of actions that should or should not be performed in a temporal interval. The model is described in the following paper:

T-Norm Ontology in OWL

The T-Norm Ontology is used to specify the norms formalized using the T-Norm model. The T-Norm Ontology is depicted in Figure 1 together with the Time Ontology and the Event Ontology. The OWL/XML serialization of the T-Norm Ontology is available at tnorm.owl.

Event Ontology in OWL

The Event Ontology can be used to represent events and actions happening in the interaction among agents. The OWL/XML serialization of the Event Ontology is available at event.owl.
The Event Ontology imports the W3C Candidate Recommendation Time Ontology in OWL for connecting events to instants or intervals of time. The URL of the Turtle serialization of the Time Ontology is

To be used in the formalization of concrete examples, the Event Ontology needs to be extended with a domain-specific Action Ontology that defines a hierachy of classes and a set of properties. The most general Action class of a domain-specific Action Ontology have to be defined as a subclass of the event:Action class of the Event Ontology.
For example the Event Ontology may import the ontology for reusing its domain dependent hierarchy of action classes. When the ontology is imported in the Event Ontology the schema:Action class has to be defined as subclass of the event:Action class. Useful classes defined in are for example the PlayAction class and TradeAction class.